Introduction to Latin
- Learn Latin by reading passages from ancient Roman authors.
- Follow a structured progression that will lead you toward fluency.
- Study at your own pace and access lectures at any time.
- Choose the level of instructor involvement appropriate for you.
- Gain knowledge to well over 1,000 Latin words while increasing your English vocabulary.
This is a comprehensive online course in which you will build a strong foundation in the Latin language through self-paced study and interaction with a single instructor who is invested in your success. The full sequence of Introduction to Latin is roughly equivalent to one academic year of college Latin, but you can adjust this pace based on your own needs. Though our focus will be on Latin grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and reading skills that will deepen your understanding of any language, you will also gain increasing access to ancient Roman history, culture, literature, and thought as you proceed through the course. In fact, by the end of the Latin 101-103 sequence you will be prepared to read unadapted Latin texts and be armed with the cultural knowledge to tackle some of the most significant literary works ever produced.
How the Course Works
The course follows the popular and respected Latin textbook Introduction to Latin by Susan Shelmerdine and is divided into three separate learning modules (Latin 101-103). These modules merge the most useful aspects of each of the traditional approaches to learning Latin into an online format that is perfectly suited to individual learners, particularly those with limited time to devote to the subject.
Course Components
With each module, you’ll receive:
- Access to an online Learning Management System, where all the content of the course is organized in one convenient location.
- A 15-minute introductory videoconference with your instructor to provide an orientation to the course (Latin 101).
- Prerecorded video lectures (approximately 10 hours per module) that greatly expand upon the material in our text.
- Assignments (grammar, composition, translations, etc.).
- An answer key to the core grammar assignments.
- Direct written feedback from your instructor on your composition and translation assignments from each chapter.
- Free flashcard application with prepared vocabulary.
- Unlimited email contact with your instructor.
- Curated content and suggestions for further readings.
- 30-day money back guarantee.
- Easily schedule videoconferences (30, 45, or 60 minutes) with your instructor to work through complex readings and resolve in-depth questions (registrants in the course will receive a 20% discount on an already competitive hourly rate).
Learn at your own pace and access the study materials, including lectures, at your convenience. Periodically plan optional video conferences with your instructor that fit into your schedule and budget.
Wherever you choose.
The content of the entire course sequence (three separate learning modules) is typically covered in one academic year when offered at the university level. This pace equates to covering roughly one chapter a week from our text. At this rate, you could complete each learning module in approximately two months. The advantage of the online format offered at Metis Classics, however, is that you can adjust this pace to the time that you have available to dedicate to the course.
Your instructor will have an advanced degree (PhD) in the applicable field of study and substantial experience in teaching classical languages at the university level.
Designed for those who are either beginning their Latin studies or who need a refresher course. The course is ideal for adults who are dedicated to continuing education and for high school and college students.
Required Text
Introduction to Latin (2nd edition) by Susan Shelmerdine. An online preview is available that covers the majority of the material from the first chapters.
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Introduction to Latin Modules
This course is divided into three separate modules, each of which covers approximately 10 chapters from the corresponding text. For more information on an individual module or to register, click on the appropriate link below: